5 beautiful recipes with coconut oil Excellent help in reducing cracks on the skin.

For any ladies who have problems with cracked skin or cracks in various parts of the body, today we will invite you to reduce those marks with natural formulas. The recipe that we are sharing today uses as the main ingredient. Let’s see ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.com what each formula from coconut oil can effectively reduce cracks on the skin.
Coconut oil is Oils that reduce stretch marks cracks on the skin
1. Pure coconut oil
This recipe uses only pure. No need to mix with other ingredients. By recommending that girls Use coconut oil and massage it into the cracked skin for about 10 minutes, then leave it on overnight and then rinse off or take a shower in the morning. Try to repeat it every day. It will help the cracks fade. This is because has properties that help moisturize the skin and make cracks fade away.
2. Coconut oil and turmeric
This recipe is for the girls. Prepare about 1 tablespoon and about 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix the two ingredients together. Then apply it to the skin that has stretch marks. Try to massage gently. Then leave it for about 1 hour and then rinse it off. Continue by applying moisturizer or skin care cream. This formula is recommended to be repeated every day for quick results. As for turmeric, it helps with collagen regeneration and helps reduce inflammation. It also helps improve skin condition.
3. Coconut oil and olive oil
For this recipe, prepare 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the two ingredients together. Then apply it to cracked skin, gently massage it all over, and leave it overnight. Gently rinse off in the morning. Try to repeat it every day. The olive oil will help in healing wounds. Helps reduce inflammation Helps add moisture to the skin. And helps reduce stretch marks on the skin as well.
4. Coconut oil and aloe vera
For this recipe, prepare 1 tablespoon and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix the two ingredients together. Then take it and massage it gently. in the area of the skin that has cracks Leave it on for about 10 minutes or you can leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. Try to repeat it every day. It will help you see results quickly. As for aloe vera, it helps add moisture to the skin. Helps strengthen the skin. It also reduces stretch marks on the skin very well.
5. Coconut oil, sugar and salt.
This recipe is for girls. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt and mix well. Once you have the mixture, apply it to stretch marks and gently massage for about 3 minutes. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse off. Then follow by applying moisturizer. This recipe is recommended to be made every other day. It will help you see results quickly and is safe for the skin. As for sugar and salt, It is considered a good scrubbing product because it has a rough texture. Thus helping to remove dead skin cells. Along with revealing new, smooth, soft skin to replace it.